Model |
Сase Tiger mate II |
Сase Tiger mate II |
Country of production |
Working width, m |
12,2 |
18,4 |
Quantity of sections |
5 |
5 |
Quantity of rack rows |
5 |
5 |
Distance between racks, cm |
15,2 |
15,2 |
Quantity of racks |
81 |
121 |
Rack thickness, mm |
15,9 |
15,9 |
Rack width, mm |
32,3 |
32,3 |
Pitch angle, degree |
47 |
47 |
Power requirements, hp. / rack |
2-3,5 |
2-3,5 |
Shovel width, cm |
17,8 |
17,8 |
Transport width, m |
3,8 |
4,4 |
Required tractor power, hp |
240 - 280 |
450-550 |
Power requirements, hp. / rack |
2-3,5 |
2-3,5 |
CULTIVATOR TIGER MATE II obtained reputation as the best agricultural equipment for qualitative tillage. It creates favorable conditions for germination of seeds, thus increasing yield. Due to the uniform depth of processing, which provides uniform structure of the soil, leaving a smoother field, improving seed to soil contact, ensuring uniformly simultaneous sprouts.
Floating coupling system with self-aligning guide wheels is able to cultivate soil at the same depth throughout the width. Effective engineering solution for continuous soil processing at uniform pressure on shovels. Cultivator is designed to operate on large areas with massive crop remains.
Three front shovel rows working within the whole working width produce primary processing and cutting of the soil. While the fourth and fifth rows provide cultivation between rows, while processing and mixing the soil over the entire width. These cultivators with duckfoot weeder (229 millimeter) type MAXXI POINT with wear-resistant elongated spout for better penetration into the soil. Clearance between racks on the 5-rows 61 cm frame provides necessary space for intensive mixing of the soil, thus increasing productivity.
Pressure on the racks in the 68 kg allows to make efficient cultivating at high speeds with a high performance even under difficult conditions. Stroke height up to 356 mm can overcome almost any obstacles.
Adequate space between tandem wheel axles and racks prevents the accumulation of crop remains. ASC finishing system with a double spring harrow and slat roller provides aggressive grinding clumps of soil.Finishing can increase crop yield and at the same time simplifies work of subsequent units, increasing productivity.